Study room is a platform that allows students to write and share their notes, which are then automatically provided to the professor. The idea behind this project is to assist those who don’t have time for class or can’t attend it. Students and professors can interact with the application in two ways: chat, or by using Mavenmode, a visual interface that enables users to browse through notes quickly. Another way is a visually-oriented interface called “Notes”, which displays data in 3D space so that users can scan and understand it more easily than at text form.
Benefits of Study room
1. Reduces stress on students
This application will reduce stress for students because notes submitted in Study room are automatically checked by the professor and if any problem or mistake is found, no one will be banned from submitting notes since it’s all automated. This way, students don’t have to spend time checking the errors.
2. Saves time of professors
It takes time to check each submitted note. So with this application, professors won’t have to do that anymore. The only thing they need to do is to submit a paper and use Mavenmode or Notes interface when creating a course.
3. Saves time of students
Students will no longer have to stop class to ask the professor for help with their papers as a system like this can do all the checking for them and save them time. They won’t have to wait for their professor to finish checking the notes, either.
4. Benefits students’ grades
They don’t have to worry about getting an A or D on their exams because the professor will be able to check their submitted notes and if they are not completed correctly, they will know about it immediately and fix it in time.
5. Benefits students’ learning
Students will be able to exit lectures they are not interested in, and can listen to podcasts. The notes saved in Study room will help them understand the material better because it will provide them with the right information. For example, if a student wants to know about ethical hacking and how to do it, he can check out the notes submitted by other students that have studied that topic and search for papers on Google when he has a question about it. He’ll also be able to display data in 3D so that he’s able to see things from different angles without having to scroll left and right in search results pages.